Delving into the ancient script "Bhavishya Malika," inscribed in the archaic Odia language, attribut...
Before Big Bang: Origins Unveiled
Delve into the cosmic enigma preceding the Big Bang. Uncover the secrets of the universe's origins a...
Do We Really Live in a Simulation?
The idea that we might be living in a simulation, rather than a physical reality, is a philosophical...
Is Sri Krishna himself a cosmic law?
Cosmic law is a term used in various contexts, including spirituality, philosophy, and science ficti...
Parallel Universe Theories
Parallel universe theories suggest that there may be multiple universes existing alongside our own,...
The Egyptian Pyramids
There are many conspiracy theories surrounding pyramids, some of which claim that they were built by...
Afterlife - What happens when you die?
Concepts and beliefs about what happens after death in various cultures and religions.
The Nine Unknown By Talbot Mundy
The titular group is a secret society founded by the Indian Emperor Ashoka in 273 BCE to preserve an...
Who are the Anunnaki?
The Anunnaki are a group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian mythology, specifically Sumerian, Akkadi...
666 Meaning
The number 666 is often associated with the devil or satanic worship.