Case Converter Online

Web Tecky is the Best Way To Convert Text to Different Case

Now you can change and convert text cases online. Different text conversions include UPPERCASE, lowercase, Capitalize Case, Title Case, Sentence Case, Alternating Case, and Inverse Case.

Once the text has been converted to the desired case, all you need to do is select it all, press “ctrl-c,” copy it, and then press “ctrl-v” to paste it back into your document.

There are a few different ways you might want to convert the case of text:

  • UPPERCASE: Convert all letters to uppercase.
  • lowercase: Convert all letters to lowercase.
  • Title Case: Convert the first letter of each word to uppercase and the rest of the letters to lowercase.
  • Sentence case: Convert the first letter of the first word in each sentence to uppercase and the rest of the letters to lowercase.

What is a Sentence Case?

The first letter in each sentence will be capitalized. But it wont, capitalize names or places.

How to convert to Sentence Case :

  1. Copy the text you want to convert from the document.
  2. Once you have the text copied, open Convert to Sentence Case.
  3. Paste or type the text you copied into the text area provided on the screen:
  4. Click on the “Sentence case” button.
  5. Your result will appear in the text area box.
  6. This is an example of a sentence case.

What is an Upper Case?

Each letter in each word will be capitalized.

How to convert to Upper Case :

  1. Copy the text you want to convert from the document.
  2. Once you have the text copied, open Convert to Upper Case.
  3. Paste or type the text you copied into the text area provided on the screen:
  4. Click on the “UPPER CASE” button.
  5. Your result will appear in the text area box.

What is an Lower Case?

Each letter in each word will be lowercase.

How to convert to Lower Case :

  1. Copy the text you want to convert from the document.
  2. Once you have the text copied, open Convert to Lower Case.
  3. Paste or type the text you copied into the text area provided on the screen:
  4. Click on the “lower case” button.
  5. Your result will appear in the text area box.
  6. this is an example of a lowercase.

What is an Capitalized Case?

The first letter in each word will be capitalized.

How to convert to Capitalized Case :

  1. Copy the text you want to convert from the document.
  2. Once you have the text copied, open Convert to Capitalized Case.
  3. Paste or type the text you copied into the text area provided on the screen:
  4. Click on the “Capitalized Case” button.
  5. Your result will appear in the text area box.
  6. This Is An Example Of A Capitalized Case.

What is an Alternating Case?

The first letter will be lower case and alternate all other letters to upper and lower cases.

How to convert to Alternating Case :

  1. Copy the text you want to convert from the document.
  2. Once you have the text copied, open Convert to Alternating Case.
  3. Paste or type the text you copied into the text area provided on the screen:
  4. Click on the “aLtErNaTiNg cAsE” button.
  5. Your result will appear in the text area box.
  6. tHiS Is aN ExAmPlE Of a aLtErNaTiNg.

What is an Inverse Case?

Inverse all the current letters to upper and lower cases.

How to convert to Inverse Case :

  1. Copy the text you want to convert from the document.
  2. Once you have the text copied, open Convert to Inverse Case.
  3. Paste or type the text you copied into the text area provided on the screen:
  4. Click on the “InVeRsE CaSe” button.
  5. Your result will appear in the text area box.
  6. ThIs iS An eXaMpLe oF An iNvErSe cAsE

Benefits of using the case converter

There are various reasons for using the case converter tool, such as:

  • Your essay`s title has a big impact, thus it needs to be well-written. For books, movies, articles, and other work headlines, we use our case converter to capitalise or style the titles. Minor words are abbreviated, and all big terms are capitalised in title case. The case of words within sentences can be changed with text-transform, and it does so very well.
  • After converting the text to lowercase or using another converter, you may simply copy the content and paste it back into the website.
  • From our handy title case converter, select the appropriate text case, then click. While writing, conducting research, or sharing written work, tools like sentence case converters, lowercase letters converters, and all caps generators can all be helpful.
  • Both office workers and those in other professions who work with text often are frequently required to change the register of the text after it has been typed. Repressing the information is generally not the best line of action in these situations. No longer a problem with Caps Lock or accidentally clicking input text! Any document or academic paper can have its case changed with the all caps converter.
  • If you specialise in search engine optimization, you undoubtedly already know that capitalising each word in a title can raise your CTR (click-through-rate). The case converter tool lets you utilise each phrase automatically.
  • Have you forgotten to capitalise certain terms in your writing? You don`t need to type everything again. Simply utilise the capitalise text tool to convert automatically.
  • You no longer need to manually change to lowercase if you accidently left the caps lock on. Our case converter makes simple adjustments to the text`s capitalization issues.

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