Act English Meaning


  • That which is done or doing; the exercise of power, or the effect, of which power exerted is the cause; a performance; a deed.
  • The result of public deliberation; the decision or determination of a legislative body, council, court of justice, etc.; a decree, edit, law, judgment, resolve, award; as, an act of Parliament, or of Congress.
  • A formal solemn writing, expressing that something has been done.
  • A performance of part of a play; one of the principal divisions of a play or dramatic work in which a certain definite part of the action is completed.
  • A thesis maintained in public, in some English universities, by a candidate for a degree, or to show the proficiency of a student.
  • A state of reality or real existence as opposed to a possibility or possible existence.
  • Process of doing; action. In act, in the very doing; on the point of (doing).
                    v. i.
                                            • To exert power; to produce an effect; as, the stomach acts upon food.
                                            • To perform actions; to fulfill functions; to put forth energy; to move, as opposed to remaining at rest; to carry into effect a determination of the will.
                                            • To behave or conduct, as in morals, private duties, or public offices; to bear or deport one's self; as, we know not why he has acted so.
                                            • To perform on the stage; to represent a character.
                                            v. t.
                                                          • To move to action; to actuate; to animate.
                                                          • To perform; to execute; to do.
                                                          • To perform, as an actor; to represent dramatically on the stage.
                                                          • To assume the office or character of; to play; to personate; as, to act the hero.
                                                          • To feign or counterfeit; to simulate.

                                                                  Webtcky Online English Dictionary

                                                                  Webtcky online English dictionary is a digital resource that provides definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and other information about English words. Many English online dictionaries also include pronunciations, etymology, and example sentences to help users understand how a word is used in context. They can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making them convenient for people who need to quickly look up the meaning of a word.

                                                                  Why use Webtcky online English dictionary?

                                                                  • To understand the meaning of new words:Our dictionary can help you learn the definitions of words you don`t already know.
                                                                  • To check the spelling of words:We can help you make sure you are spelling a word correctly.
                                                                  • To learn the correct pronunciation of words:In our dictionary, we include information on how to pronounce words correctly.
                                                                  • To learn about word origins:In the Webtcky online English dictionary, the information on the etymology (history) of words, can be interesting and informative.
                                                                  • To find synonyms and antonyms:We often include lists of words that have similar or opposite meanings, which can be useful when you are trying to expand your vocabulary or find the right word to express a particular idea.
                                                                  • Overall, the Webtcky online English dictionary is an important resource for language learners and writers, as they help us communicate more accurately and effectively.


                                                                  A noun is a term that designates a specific individual, location, object, or notion. Nouns can be common nouns, which refer to general categories of things, or proper nouns, which are specific names or titles. For example, "car" is a common noun, while "Toyota" is a proper noun.


                                                                  A word that characterises a noun or pronoun is called an adjective. Adjectives can describe the physical characteristics of a noun, such as its size, shape, color, or texture. They can also describe the emotional or psychological state of a noun, such as its mood or personality. Adjectives are often used to give more information about the noun they modify and can help to make writing and speech more interesting and descriptive. For example:

                                                                  • The tall tree reached towards the sky.
                                                                  • The soft pillow provided comfort as I fell asleep.
                                                                  • The happy dog wagged its tail as we played.


                                                                  A word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb is known as an adverb. Adverbs can describe how, when, where, or to what extent something happens. They can provide information about the manner, frequency, or degree of action. Adverbs are often formed by adding the suffix "-ly" to an adjective, but this is not always the case. For example:

                                                                  • She sings beautifully. (beautifully modifies the verb sings)
                                                                  • He runs very fast. (very modifies the adjective fast)
                                                                  • They speak extremely loudly. (extremely modifies the adverb loudly)

                                                                  Some adverbs, such as "now," "then," and "here," do not follow the usual patterns for forming adverbs and must be learned separately.


                                                                  A determiner is a word that is used before a noun to indicate the reference of the noun in a sentence. There are several types of determiners, including articles (such as "the" and "a"), possessive determiners (such as "my" and "your"), demonstrative determiners (such as "this" and "that"), and quantifiers (such as "some" and "many"). Determiners help to specify the noun and make it clear what is being referred to in a sentence. For example:

                                                                  • "The cat is sleeping on the couch." In this sentence, "the" is a determiner that specifies which cat is being referred to.
                                                                  • "I would like a slice of pizza." In this sentence, "a" is a determiner that indicates that the speaker is referring to one slice of pizza.
                                                                  • "This book is interesting." In this sentence, "this" is a determiner that specifies which book the speaker is referring to.


                                                                  A conjunction is a word used to join sentences, clauses, or other words. There are three types of conjunctions:

                                                                  • Coordinating conjunctions: These conjunctions connect words, phrases, or clauses that are grammatically equal. Examples of coordinating conjunctions include "and," "but," and "or."
                                                                  • Subordinating conjunctions: These conjunctions connect clauses that are not grammatically equal. The clause connected by a subordinating conjunction is called a subordinate clause. Examples of subordinating conjunctions include "because," "while," and "although."
                                                                  • Correlative conjunctions: These conjunctions come in pairs and are used to connect words, phrases, or clauses that are grammatically equal. Examples of correlative conjunctions include "either...or," "neither...nor," and "not only...but also."

                                                                  Conjunctions in sentences can be seen in the following examples:

                                                                  • I went to the supermarket, but they were out of milk. (coordinating conjunction)
                                                                  • Because it was raining, I stayed inside. (subordinating conjunction)
                                                                  • You can either have cake or pie for dessert. (correlative conjunction)


                                                                  A preposition is a word that is used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence. It typically indicates the temporal, spatial, or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence as in the following examples:

                                                                  • The cat is under the table. (spatial relationship)
                                                                  • She arrived after the movie started. (temporal relationship)
                                                                  • He is proud of his accomplishment. (logical relationship)

                                                                  Some common prepositions include: about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, inside, into, like, near, of, off, on, onto, out, outside, over, past, since, through, throughout, till, to, toward, under, until, up, upon, with, within, without.


                                                                  A word that is substituted for a noun or noun phrase is known as a pronoun. Pronouns are used to avoid repeating the same noun over and over again, and they can also be used to refer to someone or something that has already been mentioned. There are several types of pronouns, including personal pronouns (such as "I", "you", "he", "she"), possessive pronouns (such as "mine", "yours", "his", "hers"), reflexive pronouns (such as "myself", "yourself", "himself", "herself"), and relative pronouns (such as "who", "whose", "which", "that").

                                                                  Pronouns are used in the following sentences as examples:

                                                                  • "I went to the store, but I forgot my wallet at home." In this sentence, "I" and "my" are personal pronouns.
                                                                  • "She gave the book to me." In this sentence, "she" and "me" are personal pronouns.
                                                                  • "He injured himself while playing soccer." In this sentence, "he" and "himself" are personal pronouns.
                                                                  • "The car whose engine is broken needs to be repaired." In this sentence, "whose" is a possessive pronoun and "which" is a relative pronoun.


                                                                  A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being. Verbs are a crucial part of a sentence as they indicate what the subject of the sentence is doing or experiencing. Verbs can be divided into several categories, including transitive verbs, which take an object, and intransitive verbs, which do not. Verbs can also be conjugated to show tense, such as past, present, or future. For example:

                                                                  • She sings beautifully. (sing is the verb)
                                                                  • He runs every day. (run is the verb)
                                                                  • They are happy. (are is the verb)

                                                                  Frequently Asked Questions

                                                                  • To use a dictionary, start by looking up the word you want to define. The word will be written in bold or italicized, and the definition will be written below it. Some dictionaries also include pronunciation guides, parts of speech, and examples of the word being used in a sentence.

                                                                  • When choosing a dictionary, consider the following factors:

                                                                    • Purpose:Do you need a dictionary for everyday language use, or do you need a more specialized dictionary for a particular field or subject?
                                                                    • Size:Do you want a small, portable dictionary or a larger one with more entries and additional features?
                                                                    • Format:Do you prefer a print dictionary or an electronic one?
                                                                    • Price:How much are you willing to spend on a dictionary?
                                                                  • Sometimes a word can have multiple meanings, and it can be difficult to know which one is the right one to use. In these cases, context is key. Pay attention to the words around the word you are looking up, and think about what makes the most sense in that particular sentence or passage.

                                                                  • Many dictionaries include pronunciation guides to help you know how to say a word correctly. These guides are usually written in phonetic symbols, which represent the sounds of the English language. You can also find audio pronunciation guides online or use a pronunciation app to hear the word being spoken.

                                                                  • The part of speech of a word tells you how it is used in a sentence. Some common parts of speech include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions. Many dictionaries include the part of speech for each word, usually in abbreviated form, next to the definition.

                                                                  • To determine whether a word is a verb or a noun, think about what the word is describing or what it is doing. Verbs describe actions or states of being, while nouns describe people, places, things, or ideas. If the word is the subject of a sentence and is performing the action, it is probably a verb. If it is the object of the verb or is being described, it is probably a noun.